How to Replace Your Airsoft Muzzle Break

How to Replace Your Airsoft Muzzle Break


New Fellow member

Removing the muzzle break

Similar the title practice you remove the muzzle break for someone who is a non-gunsmith and can you lot shoot the rifle without one? I am looking to endeavour a long distance "fun" competition shoot simply muzzle breaks are non allowed for some reason. Thanks in accelerate


New Member

Removing the muzzle break

Thank you for the answer....I don't accept a pic and I am not sure which fashion information technology will turn but it is the factory break that comes with the 10BA chambered in 308. I'll try to get one when I go dwelling house.

Can the rifle still be shot without the break???


Basic Member

When I removed the pause from my .308 fluted butt, I had to use vice grips with thick leather in the jaws to concord the barrel & a wrench on the flats of the break.
Mine had a "pucker factor" of at least 8.3....

'Scuse me while I whip this out...!


Basic Member

Quote Originally Posted by stangfish View Post

It is intrusive to the shooter next to y'all.

Well so possibly the shooter next to the guy with a muzzle restriction should find a new hobby....

Maybe knitting, needle indicate, planting begonias, interior decorating. Something non so disturbing.

And quiet....

Terminal edited by fgw_in_fla; 09-04-2013 at 12:48 PM.

'Scuse me while I whip this out...!


New Member

Removing the muzzle break

Ahhhh, that makes sense!! And so I estimate it would also be considered a social no no to shoot i at the public range equally well and so. All that being said, is information technology Really that intrusive??


Basic Member

What about all the weekend wonder warriors & their AR's that all have breaks that aim toward the back?

'Scuse me while I whip this out...!


Basic Member

Quote Originally Posted by stangfish View Post

Look you dad glue Floridian. This aint sniper training schoolhouse here!!!! Thier aint no Sargent throwing water on y'all and screaming at you while you range a shot at 736 yards so dope your scope and striking the silhouette. This is competition for the former fat guys that finaly accept money to play effectually. They are snobs and crybabies and they want to shoot little tiney groups at paper. Try to do that when a gust of 18 mph wind blows grasshopper turds in your center and blows you hat off your head.

Dadgum Florididian?!?!!?!
As well, you have something confronting grasshopper turds? They are considered a delicacy in some countries, you know. And learn to proceed your cover on properly and it won't blow off from back blast of the 50...

'Scuse me while I whip this out...!


The muzzle brake is bad if you are shooting decumbent on a dirt shooting pad. It volition even bother the shooter. From a bench, the shooters to either side will be annoyed past at least you won't throw dirt on them.

The gun will shoot fine without the brake. Rezero and become after it.


Cruel 10 FCP-Thou with Bushnell 3.v-21x50 telescopic, lots of SIG Pistols.

How to Replace Your Airsoft Muzzle Break

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